OIE - Weekly Disease information - DEZEMBRO 2010
Weekly Disease Information
Vol. 24 - No. 1, 6 Jan, 2011
Vol. 23 - No. 52, 30 Dec, 2010
- 30/12/2010: Brucellosis (Brucella melitensis), Croatia, (Follow-up report No. 8)
- 30/12/2010: African horse sickness, Ghana, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 29/12/2010: Contagious equine metritis, United States of America, (Follow-up report No. 22)
- 29/12/2010: West Nile Fever, Italy, (Follow-up report No. 10)
- 29/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Israel, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 29/12/2010: West Nile Fever, Romania, (Immediate notification)
- 28/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Mozambique, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 28/12/2010: West Nile Fever, Madagascar, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 27/12/2010: African swine fever, Russia, (Follow-up report No. 46)
- 27/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Mongolia, (Follow-up report No. 6)
- 27/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 4)
- 27/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Israel, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 27/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Israel, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 24/12/2010: Sheep pox and goat pox, Russia, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 24/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Chinese Taipei, (Immediate notification)
Vol. 23 - No. 51, 23 Dec, 2010
- 23/12/2010: Bluetongue, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 104)
- 23/12/2010: Infectious salmon anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 87)
- 23/12/2010: Oyster herpesvirus (OsHV-1, µvar), United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 20)
- 23/12/2010: Bluetongue, Algeria, (Follow-up report No. 11)
- 23/12/2010: Bluetongue, Greece, (Follow-up report No. 11)
- 23/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 6)
- 23/12/2010: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Canada, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 23/12/2010: Equine viral arteritis, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 23/12/2010: Newcastle disease, France, (Immediate notification)
- 23/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Israel, (Immediate notification)
- 23/12/2010: Enzootic bovine leukosis, Germany, (Immediate notification)
- 22/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 14)
- 22/12/2010: Glanders, Bahrain, (Follow-up report No. 5)
- 22/12/2010: Bluetongue, Cyprus, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 22/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 22/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Hong Kong (SAR - PRC), (Immediate notification)
- 22/12/2010: Aujeszky's disease, Luxembourg, (Immediate notification)
- 21/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 21/12/2010: Ostreid herpesvirus-1 , New Zealand, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 20/12/2010: Bluetongue, Morocco, (Follow-up report No. 12)
- 20/12/2010: Bluetongue, Morocco, (Follow-up report No. 12)
- 20/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Israel, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 20/12/2010: Aujeszky's disease, Germany, (Immediate notification)
- 20/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Immediate notification)
- 17/12/2010: Bluetongue, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 103)
- 17/12/2010: Infectious salmon anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 86)
- 17/12/2010: Oyster herpesvirus (OsHV-1, µvar), United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 19)
- 17/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 14)
- 17/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 13)
- 17/12/2010: Equine viral arteritis, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 17/12/2010: West Nile Fever, Portugal, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 17/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Peru, (Immediate notification)
- 17/12/2010: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Korea (Rep. of), (Immediate notification)
Vol. 23 - No. 50, 16 Dec, 2010
- 16/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 5)
- 16/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 16/12/2010: Rift Valley fever, Mauritania, (Immediate notification)
- 15/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 4)
- 15/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Israel, (Immediate notification)
- 14/12/2010: Bluetongue, Algeria, (Follow-up report No. 10)
- 14/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, Belgium, (Follow-up report No. 5)
- 14/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 14/12/2010: Ostreid herpesvirus-1 , New Zealand, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 13/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Belgium, (Follow-up report No. 11)
- 13/12/2010: Aujeszky's disease, France, (Follow-up report No. 6)
- 13/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 13/12/2010: Brucellosis (Brucella suis), Latvia, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 11/12/2010: African swine fever, Central African Republic, (Immediate notification)
- 10/12/2010: Bluetongue, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 102)
- 10/12/2010: Infectious salmon anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 85)
- 10/12/2010: Oyster herpesvirus (OsHV-1, µvar), United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 18)
- 10/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 13)
- 10/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 12)
- 10/12/2010: West Nile Fever, Italy, (Follow-up report No. 9)
- 10/12/2010: Glanders, Bahrain, (Follow-up report No. 4)
- 10/12/2010: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Canada, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 10/12/2010: Newcastle disease, Honduras, (Immediate notification)
- 10/12/2010: Fowl typhoid, Honduras, (Immediate notification)
Vol. 23 - No. 49, 9 Dec, 2010
- 09/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 09/12/2010: Equine viral arteritis, United Kingdom, (Immediate notification)
- 09/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Korea (Rep. of), (Immediate notification)
- 08/12/2010: Suspected Ostreid herpes virus 1 (OsHV1), Ireland, (Follow-up report No. 8)
- 08/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 08/12/2010: African swine fever, Tanzania, (Immediate notification)
- 07/12/2010: African swine fever, Russia, (Follow-up report No. 45)
- 07/12/2010: Bluetongue, Greece, (Follow-up report No. 10)
- 07/12/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, Germany, (Follow-up report No. 10)
- 07/12/2010: Classical swine fever, Russia, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 07/12/2010: Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastern), Panama, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 07/12/2010: Brucellosis (Brucella abortus), Belgium, (Immediate notification)
- 07/12/2010: Ostreid herpesvirus-1 , New Zealand, (Immediate notification)
- 05/12/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Mongolia, (Follow-up report No. 5)
- 05/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Nepal, (Immediate notification)
- 04/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Vietnam, (Follow-up report No. 45)
- 03/12/2010: Bluetongue, Sweden, (Follow-up report No. 17)
Vol. 23 - No. 48, 2 Dec, 2010
- 02/12/2010: Aujeszky's disease, France, (Follow-up report No. 5)
- 02/12/2010: Glanders, Bahrain, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 02/12/2010: Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, Panama, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 02/12/2010: Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan, (Immediate notification)
- 01/12/2010: Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), Canada, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 30/11/2010: Bluetongue, Cyprus, (Follow-up report No. 2)
- 30/11/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 30/11/2010: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, Thailand, (Immediate notification)
- 29/11/2010: Rift Valley fever, South Africa, (Follow-up report No. 17)
- 29/11/2010: Rift Valley fever, Botswana, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 29/11/2010: Classical swine fever, Serbia, (Follow-up report No. 1)
- 29/11/2010: Foot and mouth disease, Korea (Rep. of), (Immediate notification)
- 28/11/2010: Bluetongue, Algeria, (Follow-up report No. 9)
- 26/11/2010: Bluetongue, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 101)
- 26/11/2010: Infectious salmon anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 84)
- 26/11/2010: Oyster herpesvirus (OsHV-1, µvar), United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 17)
- 26/11/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 12)
- 26/11/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, United Kingdom, (Follow-up report No. 11)
- 26/11/2010: West Nile Fever, Italy, (Follow-up report No. 8)
- 26/11/2010: Anthrax, Uganda, (Follow-up report No. 3)
- 26/11/2010: Crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci), Italy, (Immediate notification)
- 26/11/2010: Equine infectious anaemia, France, (Immediate notification)
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