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AFRICA (South Africa) LPAI H7N7A bird flu outbreak in April at a farm near Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape has spread to five other farms in the area. […]
ASIA (India) AnthraxTwo suspected cases of dreaded anthrax have been reported from Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, who had been shifted from Araku to King George Hospital in the city for treatment. […]
NORTH AMERICA (Canada) Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseOne case of a rare, degenerative brain disease has been confirmed in British Columbia's Fraser Valley, and a health official says two other cases are now suspected. […]
NORTH AMERICA (USA) Bovine tuberculosisNorth Dakota's first reported case of bovine tuberculosis in 14 years shouldn't threaten the state's federally designated "TB-free" status, state and cattle industry officials say. […]
NORTH AMERICA (USA) RabiesAn immigrant from Guatemala died while in U.S. custody from what doctors diagnosed as rabies, immigration officials said Wednesday. […]
ASIA (India) AnthraxAt least 16 people, including five women from Suleipala village in Orissa, affected by anthrax have been admitted to SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack. […]
To view reported cases of animal diseases visit the EMPRES-I website
EMPRES-i is a global animal health information system of the FAO's EMPRES programme that focuses on the user need to easily find and collect in one place all the information available for animal health and transboundary animal diseases. EMPRES-i compiles, stores and verifies animal diseases outbreaks data (including zoonoses) from numerous sources (e.g. FAO representatives, FAO reports, OIE reports, official government, European Commission, FAO reference centres and laboratories) for early warning and risk analysis.
Dutch identify limit to reduce campylobacter food poisoning
June 19, 2013. Setting a limit on campylobacter bacteria in chicken meat would significantly reduce cases of food poisoning, according to a new scientific report from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). […]
HIV-Derived antibacterial shows promise against drug-resistant bacteriaJune 19, 2013. A team of researchers at the University of Pittsburgh has developed antibacterial compounds, derived from the outer coating of HIV that could be used for treatment of drug-resistant bacterial infections . […]
G8 Science ministers spotlight antibiotics resistanceFollowing the June 12 meeting, the G8 ministers urged to step up the response to the overuse of antibiotics and improve coordination of global scientific research to address the problem. […]
The elusive H7N9 Virus: Chinese researchers predict future pandemicJune 18, 2013. Based on a new research, a group of researchers reported that H7N9 infects the upper respiratory tract of ferrets and pigs, and spreads via direct contact, suggesting that the rapid surge of H7N9 infections are likely caused by human’s direct contact with infected birds. […]
CDC steps down emergency operations for H7N9
June 18, 2013. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Jun 14 deactivated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) response to the novel H7N9 flu outbreak in China, the agency said today in a Twitter post. […]
Current WHO global phase of pandemic alert: Avian Influenza A (H5N1)June 18, 2013. Following the recent release of a new pandemic alert system, the World Health Organization (WHO) today posted a notice that said the current phase for H5N1 avian influenza is "alert the second notch on its four-tiered system. […]
China offers subsidies to stricken poultry industryJune 17, 2013.The Chinese government has granted subsidies of 300 million Yuan ($US 48.54 million) to support the poultry sector as it struggles in the wake of the H7N9 bird flu virus, the country’s Ministry of Finance has announced. […]
NIV keeps a close watch on migratory birds for H7N9 virus: IndiaJune 15, 2013.The National Institute of Virology (NIV) has stepped up surveillance on migratory birds in different parts of the country even as human-to-human transmission of bird flu is yet to be established and the chances of infection in India are found to be low. […]
Inovio reports preclinical results for H7N9 vaccineJune 14, 2013. Inovio's Universal H7N9 DNA vaccine generates first protective antibody responses against virulent H7N9 virus in 100% of vaccinated animals. […]
New insight into fighting bird flu offered by the duck genomeJune 11, 2013. The genome sequencing and analysis of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos), one principal natural host of influenza A viruses has revealed some noteworthy conclusions and provides an invaluable resource for unravelling the interactive mechanisms between the host and influenza viruses. […]
A single amino acid change switches avian influenza H5N1 and H7N9 viruses to human receptorsJune 11, 2013. Two back-to-back papers were published last week that provide a detailed analysis of what it would take for avian influenzaH5N1 and H7N9 viruses to switch to human receptors. […]
Summer PHI 2013 CoursesSchool of Public Health, University of Minnesota offers a course for everyone practicing in or studying public health or fields related to public health. [...]
Financial support award for a student to attend RITAARC is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from students for financial support to attend the 24th annual Rabies in the Americas (RITA) meeting. Deadline July 12th 2013 […]
John Gamgee Award 2013 for outstanding contributions to veterinary science and the veterinary professionIn the light of the 150 years of World Veterinary Congresses and 30 years after the last time that this award was given, the fourth John Gamgee Award will be given to the selected veterinarian in the WVA 150 Anniversary celebration during WVC 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic, 17-20 September 2013. […]
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June 20-22, 2013. 5th International Symposium on Non-Surgical Contraceptive Methods of Pet Population Control, Oregon, US […]
June 28, 2013. One Health Approach: Risk management for Neurocysticercosis, Pretoria, South Africa […]
August 14-17, 2013. Second International Congress on Pathogens at the Human-Animal Interface (ICOPHAI): One Health for Sustainable Development […]
August 25-29, 2013. AITVM 2013 International conference "The livestock-human-wildlife interface”
Challenges in urban livestock production and extensive farming/conservation systems[…]
September 2-6, 2013. 13th Australasia/Oceania CVA Conference at Nadi, Fiji […]
September 10-13, 2013. 8th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health […]
September 17-20, 2013. World Veterinary Congress, Prague, Czech Republic […]
September 25-28, 2013. 9th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition, Harare, Zimbabwe […]
September 2013. International Symposium on problems of Listeriosis, Goa, India[…]
October 2-3, 2013. Antimicrobial resistance: Incentivizing change towards a global solution, London, UK […]
December 4-6, 2013. OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Education and the Role of Veterinary Statutory Body, Foz do Iguazu, Brazil […]
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1. AGA e-newsletter. To receive regular updates by email on all issues relating FAO's work on animal production and health, subscribe to the AGA e-newsletter. It contains information on upcoming events, publications, programme activities, articles and press releases [Click here to subscribe]
2. FAOAIDEnews 84 […]
3. EMPRES Transboundary Animal Diseases Bulletin No. 41 – 2012 […]
4. EMPRES Watch 28 […]
5. FAO Animal Production and Health Division e-newsletter 60 […]
6. OIE One Health Bulletin No. 2013-1 […]
7. G8 Science Ministers Statement London UK, 12 June 2013 […]
8. Human co-infection with novel avian influenza A H7N9 and influenza A H3N2 viruses in Jiangsu province, China […]
9. Serological investigation of subclinical influenza A (H7H9) infection among healthcare and non-healthcare workers in Zhejiang Province of China […]
10. The Compelling need for game-changing influenza vaccines: An analysis of the influenza vaccine enterprise and recommendations for the future […]
11. Human H5N1 influenza infections in Cambodia 2005--2011: case series and cost-of-illness […]
12. Pandemic influenza viruses — Hoping for the road not taken […]
13. Deaths Associated with Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus in China […]
14. Vital signs: Listeria illnesses, deaths, and outbreaks — United States, 2009–2011[…]
15. The first avian influenza A (H7N9) viral infection in humans in Zhejiang Province, China: a death report […]
16. Serological investigation of subclinical influenza A (H7H9) infection among healthcare and non-healthcare workers in Zhejiang Province of China […]
18. Viral and host factors required for avian H5N1 influenza A virus replication in mammalian cells […]
19. Characterization of the 2012 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H7N3 virus isolated from poultry in an outbreak in Mexico: Pathobiology and Vaccine Protection […]
20. Structure and receptor binding specificity of the hemagglutinin H13 from avian influenza A virus H13N6 […]
21. Human influenza A H5N1 in Indonesia: health care service-associated delays in treatment initiation […]
22. Antigenic characterization of H3N2 influenza A viruses from Ohio agricultural fairs[…]
23. The lack of maturation of Ebola virus-Infected dendritic cells results from the cooperative effect of at least two viral domains […]
24. Geographic trends in research output and citations in veterinary medicine: insight into global research capacity, species specialization, and interdisciplinary relationships[…]
25. EFSA Guidance on the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified animals […]
26. CHP Avian Influenza Report Vol 9 No. 24 […]
28. Zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis–induced Tuberculosis in Humans […]
29.The spatial ecology of free-ranging domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) in western Kenya [...]
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Online MSc in One Health (Infectious Diseases)The unique Master's level course, delivered jointly by the RVC and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will be available through both full and part-time study as MSc and diploma. […]
PhD in EpidemiologyThere is an opportunity for a 3-year full-time PhD programme on Swine Influenza modelling in pig farms for a French speaking student. The student will be registered in Rennes University. The scholarship will commence in October 2013. For further information please contact, on an informal basis, Nicolas Rose, phone number: +33 296 016 441, email:
EpiVille, the E-learning in EpidemiologyEpiville, a learning tool developed specifically for Principles of Epidemiology (P6400), is a set of interactive web-based exercises created by faculty in the Department of Epidemiology and produced by the Center for New Media Teaching and Learning at Columbia University […]
Veterinary Public Health Management Postgraduate Program at the University of SydneyVeterinary Public Health Management (VPHMgt) is a distance postgraduate program, delivered online with short residential sessions, directed towards career enhancement for animal health professionals. […]
Master of Preventive Veterinary MedicineThe school of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California offers a professional degree, the Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPVM) […]
Cambridge online e-learning instituteOnline Certificate in Animal Welfare […]
University of MinnesotaEngaging Intergovernmental Organisations 2013 is a week long intensive preofessional development programme for mid and senior level government officials[...]
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ILRI vacancy: Post-Doctoral Scientist – Livestock Feeds, West Africa; closing 21 June 2013 […]
ILRI vacancy: Scientist Systems Analysis, Ethiopia; closing 21 June, 2013 […]
ILRI vacancy: Diagnostic Assay Development Specialist; closing date 21 June 2013[…]
ILRI: Scientist Livelihoods and Multi-Stakeholder Processes, Ethiopia; closing 30 June 2013 […]
University of Sao Paulo: Professor, Zoonoses – Veterinary Public Health […]
Neste Blog fazemos: 1- Atualização sobre a ocorrência de doenças de importância em Veterinária e em Saúde Pública em todo o mundo. 2- Troca de informações sobre: Doenças Infecciosas, Zoonoses, Saneamento Ambiental, Defesa Sanitária Animal (Legislação e Programas Sanitários do Ministério da Agricultura) e demais assuntos relacionados à sanidade e Saúde Pública. Este blog se destina a discutir a saúde animal dentro dos seus mais variados aspectos.
sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013
Veterinary Public Health (VPH) E-Bulletin
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